Greetings and welcome --

Cycling in the Twin Cities, MN
We are Deena and Avery Gentle, retirees from Wisconsin who now live in Tucson, Arizona. From October thru May we enjoy the desert climate and beauty of the southwest.  When Arizona heats up her summer oven, our rolling casita beckons us to hit the road and explore other parts of our beautiful country and continent.

The Vista -- takes us to explore new vistas!
Our travels are in a 2013 Winnebago Vista gas powered class A motorhome.  It’s about 28 ft. long, just big enough to provide us space and comfort to enjoy extended trips. But small enough to maneuver easily, and tuck into beautiful remote campsites.  We have solar power so we can camp "off the grid" when opportunity permits. Our “towed” car tags along behind, ready to take us exploring after we’ve set up camp somewhere. Depending on our destinations the car also carries our bicycles and our inflatable kayak equipment.
Hiking at Mt. Ranier, summer 2017
This blog was created to help us capture the memories of our very special 2018 trip.  In April, we are Alaska bound, and will spend about six months traveling from Arizona to Alaska and back.  The route will meander through the southwest and northwest USA, British Columbia and Yukon, Canada -- and of course Alaska!  Our adventures will unfold without a firm itinerary.
If you’d like to follow along, we invite you to subscribe to our blog (click the SUBSCRIBE button above). When we are able we’ll post photos and notes about our experiences.  It will be fun to have you along on the journey!


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